Each contacted the VFW Magazine to get a listing of names that could lead to a possible reunion. The magazine informed Stokem a man named Wilson had made a similar request the previous day.
Stokem, a Plankowner who had served on the ship during 1945 and �46, promptly called Wilson who, it turned out, had been aboard in the 1951-54 period.
It is impossible to heap too much praise on Stokem and Wilson for having the urge to embark on such a time-consuming project and the determination to bring it to fruition. Stokem concentrated on locating the men during World War II times, Wilson on those serving during his time on the Cabildo.
By early summer, having located approximately 100 men, they made plans for a reunion to be held in Madisonville, KY in October, 1996. The response was good with 63 men, some with wives, bringing the attendance to 95. The USS Cabildo Association was formed, officers elected and by-laws approved.
Once into researching facts about the ship, the Association officers discovered much more was to be done as the ship had been in and out of service for a span of over 20 years. Upon learning the National Archives had muster roll records from 1944-46 and from 1950-71, the officers expanded their search to include all of the years.
The Association, now with more than 80 members, is constantly seeking to locate men who served on the Cabildo during any of the ship�s various lifetimes. Information on how to join the Association, or report information concerning former ship�s personnel, can be made to Darrell Osborn, P.O. Box 247, Forbestown, CA 95241 or e-mail cdozzie@lanset.com.
The Association
officers for the year 2023-2024 are:
President: Dale Bittle
Vice President: Leo Waltsak
Treasurer:(Warren Gammeter
Chaplin: Ken Bredehoeft
Website: Warren Gammeter
How to become
a Member or Associate Member
Annual dues are $25.00 payable to USS Cabildo
Association c/o Warren Gammeter, 3227 Verdun Ave., San Mateo, CA 94403-3850
USS Cabildo Crewmembers' Association By Laws
9USS Cabildo (LSD-16) Association Website - Last Revision November 19, 2023
This page is maintained by Warren Gammeter <Webmaster@usscabildo.org>.